I told you in the other thread I'm not ready to give up on this hack.
I gave up on the script not being able to add the fields in my user table so I added them myself using these commands (Yes, it worked fine)
ALTER TABLE user ADD receivebulletin SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' not null
ALTER TABLE user ADD receivebulletin_type SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' not null
Then I made the changes according to the admin_commbull.txt
I then accessed the commbull.php via the web and yes, it FINALLY asked me for my admin username and password (This was my stumbling block with the old version)
I entered my username and password and then got the screen stating:
"User tables have been altered sucessfully.
Installation instructions for the News and Email Community Bulletin Generator. "
So I made all of the changes according to this file. And then I clicked on the "Go" button at the bottom of the page.
And....... nothing.

The same install page just keeps repeating itself when I click on the "Go" button.
Sooooo close..........
Any ideas?