Originally Posted by Andyrew
I can not get youtube to work any more even when I do as above. 
Remember that this will not have any effect on old posts. They would have to be resaved.
Originally Posted by vijayninel
Dear Digital Jedi,
The old Youtube (HQ/HD) definitions are not working aqnd the new XML no longer contains any Youtube (HQ/HD) definitions.
Can you please provide new definitions for these.
I previously announced that since HD/HQ definitions are impossible to make work without conflicting with YouTube URLs that have extra code strings at the end, and since it seems kind of redundant to do all that work when there's a button to switch the embed to HD right from the video player, and since it's contrary to web building standards to force the heavy loading video, the one that could stick, on users who can't handle large video loads first, rather than vice versa, then I wouldn't be offering support for HD or HQ videos anymore. Some sites it's pretty easy to do so, but YouTube has made it almost impossible.