Originally Posted by Gamelobby
Uncheck this box.? (change from yes to no in YouTube Definitions.?)
I dont see any check box next to "Validation"
Originally Posted by Pahonix
I was struggling to find a checkbox for "validation", but I believe what DJ is referring to is the setting called "Extract Destination Data". At least that's what it's called on my installation. I turned that off and YouTube videos are now correctly showing once again. Remember, on existing posts you have to go in and edit the post and save it.
*edit - Should have refreshed the page before posting my reply. 
Originally Posted by Schnee
To anyone this helps, mine says:
Extract Info
not Extract Destination Info or Validation.
Yes, it seems I forgot that validation doesn't have it's own column in the definitions listing. Either blank it out, or disable extraction. However, disabling extraction will prevent you from pulling video titles.
Originally Posted by the Sandman
Any way to do this sitewide with a query or somthing?
I'm afraid you can only do this by reediting the post.