Originally Posted by Pangramma
I've try to include shoutbox on forumdisplay and showthread also, but raw variable doesn't show up. Looking up in the plugin, i've noticed there's only a FORUMHOME_complete plugin, and when I try to replicate it for FORUMDISPLAY_complete and changing last line
PHP Code:
vB_Template::preRegister('FORUMHOME', $sb_pro);
, but when I post in shoutbox I recieve an "Access Denied"
The Hack it's well thinked, BW it's a critical issue for larger boards...
Thus, maybe more options could be integrated, just like other popular chats like MGC_Evo for vb3, or the VSa - ChatBox for vb4 (one I missed is the option for showing newer to oldest from bottom to up; text input below chat, etc)
Same problem here, but i just made a clean reinstall and all works great now.
Just try
Thanks !!!
Works great ! Installed
Excellent job
I have only one problem...
I have a Russian member on my forum, he?s name on CHAT looks like this:
And he?s name is:
other incompatible caracter is
<rTe> Bj ~ ! ?
and on chats looks
> Bj ~ ! ?:
and I have another problem with certain user names, for example: Tecla^
' WM or tinchoo
' WM
all user names that contain this type of character not allowed to respond in the chat
Any help ?
Thanks in advance.