here is what i have done for the xbox leaderboards for 4.x versions.. If the xbox live leaderboards are disabled its because i'm trying to covert the coding to all vb 4.x
what i have is temp solution.
Attachment 115231
for this temp solution
import this in
Attachment 115232
thanks to Coroner for ths style sheet and fix
in the gxboxlive.php under this
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_gxboxlive.php');
add this
$alt1_color = $alt2_color = substr (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('body_color'), 0, 7);
$alt1_background = substr (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('threadbit_background'), 0, 7);
$alt2_background = substr (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('threadbit_alt_background'), 0, 7);
$templater = vB_Template::create('stylebridge.css');
$templater->register('alt1_color', $alt1_color);
$templater->register('alt2_color', $alt2_color);
$templater->register('alt1_background', $alt1_background);
$templater->register('alt2_background', $alt2_background);
$stylebridge = $templater->render();
$templater = vB_Template::create('stylebridge_headinclude');
$templater->register('stylebridge', $stylebridge);
$templater->register('custom_global_css_reference', $custom_global_css_reference);
$templater->register('navbar', $navbar);
$templater->register('main', $main);
$templater->register('gxbl_bit_game', $gxbl_bit_game);
$templater->register('pagenav', $pagenav);
$templater->register('games', $games);
$headinclude = $templater->render();
$navbar = render_navbar_template(construct_navbits($navbits));
$templater = vB_Template::create('GXBL');
add the same code to the
global.php file so it will display the front page.. you will notice things off in it. something in the .css
***if you are recieving errors you might need to turn the display errors off in the php settings
***please note that this is a temp solution and i will post again when i have it fully 4.0 customized