Originally Posted by NashChristian
If that is the case, then she needs to mark this mod as "unsupported".
Thanks for the feedback. If she doesn't respond, then she doesn't get my money. Better to learn that BEFORE I pay! lol
1.- Support for free mods, is limited to installation issues. Actually template modifications, nobody supports even in commercial scripts. All scripts are coming "as is" on interface.
2.- I can prove that I gave support even for other than installation issues, to those who came to my site and asked for it, or even to those who email me (not PMs). Have you seen how many mods do I have here? Do you think that, even if I'm willing to support them, is easy to move from thread to thread?
3.- "If she doesn't respond, then she doesn't get my money.". I never accepted in my 32 years business life, "if" conditions. Especially, being a woman, I have faced lots of different types of "if....". So, please keep your money safe in your pocket, I don't need even a single cent, but if you want to use the PRO version, I'll be more than happy to give you a license for free. It will not be the first time that I'm giving away license for free, and many members can prove it.