I like some of the features of your add-on, though others need a bit of work. I'm interested to know what makes your PRO version worth $100, when I can have this version for free? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm really curious what the difference is, that justifies this cost.
One significant concern I have, is that you seem to have so MUCH going on at once, developing several software products simultaneously, and I'm unsure whether you'll devote the time required to work the kinks out of this one to my satisfaction. I don't mind paying for quality, but I need assurance that the developer is working in my best interest, and actively addressing my concerns.
Couple of questions about the free version:
- Is there a way for the admin to disable shipping options and payment options? I'd like to just use this for local ads, without shipping, and want the buyer to pay the seller in person, and leave me out of that process.
- Is there a way for the admin to disable the currency/weight/dimensions?
- Is there a way to remove seller type, this will only be for individuals not stores.
- Is there a way to run an ad indefinately, like for advertising SERVICES, or anything else without an end date? It is annoying seeing an end date at the top of the ad, can this be disabled? (Time restraints make sense with AUCTIONS, but not with regular classified ads. An individual is going to run their ad until they sell their product.) I have no desire to facilitate auctions.
It would be nice if there were a thumbnail or graphic to indicate when there is an attachment. It is easy to miss the test link currently.
I really like the fact that your software is fully integrated with vB, and makes good use of the style and space in the listing (category) interface, as opposed to
PhotoPost currently.
I like PhotoPosts' actual ad display better than yours, because of its simplicity and use of photos, but they have totally dropped the ball on the vB4 transition and list of classified sections looks like a big clunky block of forums (with padding problems). I really like your cute, tidy little folder directory much better. I wish you and PP would work together on building one ultimate classified platform, but I know that's not going to happen. I need to purchase one or the other within the next week, sadly I'm not fully satisfied with either at the moment.
I need to clearly understand what is possible with your software, and what isn't. What I can configure as an admin, and what just "is what it is". I also need to understand how open you are to suggestions from your customers, and whether or not you will customize your product to their liking.
I also am confused about how to purchase your PRO version, and what that includes.
vB4-CLASSIFIEDS $10.00 20 5 $100.00
Installation $2.00 0 0 $20.00
5 Support Points $3.50 25 5 $25.00
Does SUPPORT cost an additional $25 AFTER paying $100 for your product?
Hoping to hear back from you soon. Thanks!