Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR
Thanks IR15H,
I think having the gamerscard icons show or the mini banners would be a nice plus or someone could make an addon for ShowRoster for those that want it to display... Same with the Messengers Icons...
It's easy enough to get banners for
xfire etc. by going to the relevant site, selecting the banner you like, then editing the generated code very slightly and putting it in your
showroster_userbits template. For example;
{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[columnX]}} with the following;
- xfire
<img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/3/{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[columnX]}}.png" alt="{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[columnX]}}" />
- xbox
<img src="http://card.mygamercard.net/presence/{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[columnX]}}.png" alt="{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[columnX]}}" />
X with whatever column you're using for xfire/xbox etc.
Originally Posted by Sarcoth
Thanks for the file, I'll check it out.
I spent days trying to get the custom order to work when sorting was used and it broke no matter how I tried it. I don't think it will work because the way the grouping is done. Maybe one day I'll try to change over to something else.
Nope, #2 was the HTML one. I missed the multiple rosters suggestion. Still not sure how to do it. That is one I'd like to do though. The main problem there is how to do permissions. I would definitely need to add some tables and a lot more code to make it to work. Not sure I'll have the time to come up with something like that in the near future.
Every time I look at PHP I can never quite figure it out and end up with a headache but from what I can gather, you've basically said;
- What usergroups do you want to show on the roster?
- What attribute of usergroups should be the primary one, user id or user title?
- How should I sort that attribute, ascending or decending? (If none defined, then sort ascending)
As I don't really understand PHP, this may be overly simplistic, but what happens if you simply remove steps 2 and 3? Is the default behaviour to simply fetch display in the order they are entered, or is there some inherit sort behaviour that needs to be overwritten?
In regards to multiple rosters, I was thinking along the lines of two entries for
showroster_display_groups in the settings then some crazy if conditions like if
showroster_display_groups_2 is not blank then display roster2, which would use the same fields/columns as roster1, but appear on a different tab. Of course the downside to that approach would be that you'd be limited to using the same user profile fields for both rosters. However, as I said, I don't really understand PHP so don't know how feasible such an idea would be.
Originally Posted by Andyucs
Thank you
very nice upgrade
Glad you like it
