Originally Posted by Peter_AUS
I didn't understand it either. But would it be possible to have an email set-up to advise the member when they are moved to inactive group that this has happened, something that we can edit (email that is) to include information that we would like to include personally. Like explain why they have been moved, if they are having login issues contact admin, etc ? That would be a think a great improvement to this very good plugin. The email would be sent out after the daily check for inactive members meeting the criteria to be moved to the inactive group.
Sorry, but adding an e-mail option would mean a lot of changes to the way it works. I have no plans to do this. If you want to e-mail people in the new groups you can use the ACP user e-mail option every so often. By definition these are not regular users so they dont need an instant e-mail.
Originally Posted by krimesis
The work of the plugin how long I can see, that when I pass the inactive user group created?
Im afraid I still dont understand the question, I think maybe you need someone who speaks english to translate for you before you post.