I thought someone posted about this one, but I cant seem to find the post, unless I am simply confused which is not uncommon.
I only allow access to the Forms navbar tab for admins. Site users access the individual forms via direct links from different places in the site. Since they dont have access to the forms navbar tab, the selected navbar ends up defaulting to the Forum tab, which might be confusing to a site member.
I was thinking there may be 2 different ways I could address this. One would be to figure out how to get the selectednavtab to work with a different tab. I tried adding a conditional on the 'Easy Forms - Forms Tab' plugin to set the selectednavtab to, for example, 'vbcms', but end result is that no tab is selected when viewing a form. (this is cleaner than having the forum tab selected, but not ideal)
The other option I thought of was modifying the navbit section, which I circled in the attached image. What would be ideal is if rather than linking to site.com/misc.php?do=forms it could link to a custom URL based on the form I was using. Then at least, the site user could easily navigate back to where they had been previous to selecting the form.