I think you guys are gonna like a lot of the changes I've made so far...
There is no longer an "Add Video" button. Instead, the navbar has a drop down list for submitting media, so you can go directly to the submission form. These links hold a category ID in the URL, so when you click on the link, it will automatically select the appropriate category. In addition, there is now a small submission form at the bottom of almost every page, the main page, category pages, tag pages and user pages; it does not display on watch or edit pages. If you're on a category page, it will automatically select the appropriate category again. I know on my forums, getting people to put videos into the correct category was the hardest part. Having it this way will also prevent people from adding media, without first retrieving the information from the server. Which of course, was another problem on my forums... For a lot of users I ended up having to manually edit their videos to put in minutes and seconds because they never clicked the retrieve info button.
Right now media submission forms and tag edit forms (no ajax yet) are working.