Originally Posted by oGladiatore
After importing correctly with impex tables from phpbb 3 to vb 4.x I tried to login with an account imported. Obviously I say I data are incorrect because we rewrite the password. So I do and requires a new password that is sent to me and I enter to login. Once you have logged in me this message:
You have been banned from the forum for the following reason:
There is a specific reason.
The exclusion will be lifted on: Never
Loggatto are fine, but I can not do anything ..... why?
Maybe all the all the imported members came in a group which was flagged as banned users. Try moved them from the "imported members group" to the "registered users group" and see if it would help. Or eit the groups and set the This Usergroup is not a 'Banned' Group option to Yes.
For future reference, it is best that all questions related to the core vbulletin issues and/or Impex system are best asked over at vbulletin.com. These forums here are for modifications mostly