Originally Posted by grc
I'm sure this is answered somewhere but I can't even think of how to ask in a search...
Right now, I can post on my profile page in vBulletin and have that post appear on my Facebook wall. Now I'd like to have items I post to my Facebook wall appear on my vBulletin page.
Is that possible? How?
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
Currently YAFB only support getting comments from Facebook and posting them as guest post in Forums
Originally Posted by sNator
When I click on http://www.surfzone.se/forum/profile.php?do=fbb_pages to enable publish to page account I get this error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE `forum`
SET fbtarget_id_permission_granted = '106985142665342'
WHERE fbtarget_id = '106985142665342';
MySQL Error : Table 'forum1-latin.forum' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, March 30th 2010 @ 02:54:52 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, March 30th 2010 @ 02:54:52 PM
Script : http://www.some.com/forum/profile.ph...publish_stream
Referrer : http://www.some.com/forum/profile.php?do=fbb_pages
IP Address :
Username : ?????
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-0ubuntu6.1-log
Missing table prefix in some code?
Found it in hook_profile_start.php
UPDATE ` forum`
SET fbtarget_id_permission_granted = '$tmp'
WHERE fbtarget_id = '$pageid'
The table prefix is missing. I hardcoded my prefix and now it works fine.
Yeah. It's weird to have a table prefix missing there!
Originally Posted by NickyNet
everything is working fine for me...
except... after loging in the "redirect screen" is as i would use RTL..
even i use LTR
see screen.
thank you in advance
VB version: 4.0.2
Can any body confirm this right-to-left alignment issue since it's really weird