Originally Posted by Skreech94
I'm getting this error when I click Add page
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT title, cp_catsid FROM cp_cats ORDER BY title;
MySQL Error : Table 'mydatabase_consoledge.cp_cats' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, March 29th 2010 @ 11:10:55 PM
Error Date : Monday, March 29th 2010 @ 11:10:55 PM
Script : http://unlockedgamer.com/admincp/con...php?do=addpage
Referrer : http://unlockedgamer.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address : My IP
Username : Username
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.30
The problem is that the cp_cats view was not created during the product import and your database user probably do not have privilege for creating that either, the view is needed to retrieve the available categories. Adding and editing a page needs that view to make sure a page has a valid category.
But there are good news, on Saturday April 3rd. I'll release the production version of content pages and the use of that view will not be needed anymore since I changed it to use a pre-populated array of categories instead of the view.