Hosters are being DATABASE driven, instead of XML file driven now. Below is the database construct and the YouTube example. Since its being database driven, if you wanted to merge it with AME, I don't see how it would be a problem. Just extract the service name, the regex code and link it directly to the embed code. Of course, you wouldn't have the url to feed, or the feed to variables...
serviceID = primary key = 1
svcName = service name = YouTube
svcRegex = regex matching = http:\/\/[a-z]*?[\.]?youtube\.[a-z]*?\/watch\?v=([A-Z0-9._%-]*)
svcFeed = url to feed ={serviceVAL}
svcThumb = feed to thumb = $arr['media:group']['media:thumbnail'][0]['url']
svcTitle = feed to title = $arr['media:group']['media:description']['value']
svcDesc = feed to desc = $arr['media:group']['media:title']['value']
svcLength = feed to length = $arr['media:group']['media:keywords']
svcTags = feed to tags = $arr['media:group']['yt:duration']['seconds']
svcURL = souurce url ={serviceVAL}
svcEmbed = embed code = <embed src="{serviceVAL}&autoplay=1&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385" />