Originally Posted by OtterEagle
I have installed this mod on 4.0.2, and am most grateful for this program. Have read each and every post, and see some posts are a bit non respectful. hmm.
My question is this before I begin to work in ernest on this modification.
Is the creator still involved and supporting this modification? I see Xanlamin is offering a great deal of assitance...has he taken over.
Do I have reason to worry that this mod will be left parentless and will it become likely we have to disable and take back awards system in the future.
Just have seen the posts regarding developer's current involvement.
With appreciation and Respect.
Downloaded market installed, and nominated for MOTM.
Cypher is my brother and with spring on it's way and here now, work for us has picked up. This has been stated before. This mod is supported and another version is in the works.
Originally Posted by milaszewski
If you request (not recommend) an award, there is no user field, it is an automatic request for an award to yourself. Only in "recommend" page you specify username. I have the same problem.
I am unable to reproduce this error. Make sure you are running the latest version of the mod and the latest version of vBulletin.
Originally Posted by unicorn2433
What template should I edit and how should I edit it if I want it to show as the very last item in the postbit ( not after posts )
also getting this error when clicking request award link
?The following users were not found:
That is my user id but it doesnt even ask me for it ..lol it is just there
That usergroup is set to allow and request
There are no template edits you need to do to show in the postbit. Edit your settings in the mod. As for it pulling your ID on request of course you do not need to tell it your ID, it already knows it since requesting an award is for yourself. and as above, unable to reproduce this error, make sure you are running the latest version of the mod and latest version of vBulletin.