Originally Posted by HCGB
Attached is an updated version that handles recurring events by listing them (and their event dates) if they are occur within the selected year range. I haven't properly tested monthly recurring events as I can't work out how you set them in the calendar (the user interface is seriously deficient in that area  ).
Nice one - that seems to work OK, even for monthly recurring events - I've tested it on a couple of business networking events and
Chamber Chat comes up as 'Monthly....First Wednesday' and the
First Friday Network comes up as monthly and, as you would expect, on the First Friday - lol.
I agree the user interface for adding events is crap, worst than on vb3, and is causing my users confusion hence I am either having to add events myself or moderate most users adding their own, so I can correct mistakes.
Actually, there’s a thought, the search returns a ‘contact’ on the right of results, which is the person that added the event but not necessary the organiser/contact for it, could that be made optional, or maybe replaced with the ‘to & from’ times?
Works OK here. The search works on event titles and content, not the calendar title (you can select the calender from the drop-down)
That's odd, because a search for
car boot sales (with the 's') brings up 3 results, 2 of which doesn't include the 's' in event title nor content, in fact one doesn't even use the words 'sale or sales'.
However, a search for
car boot sale returns 7 results and a search for just
car boot brings up 8 results - be buggered if I can work out why.
Similar problems searching for
farmers' market but worst because you can add an 's' or not to both the words and it doesn't return those with the apostrophe if you haven't included the apostrophe in the search, e.g.
farmers market
ETA - And even worst it shows me up for the misuse of the apostrophe when I've imputed some as 'Farmer
's Market'.