Glad to see this has made it to vB4

Originally Posted by kevius
i'm sorry but, where is the sort menu ?????
Beneath the main navigation menu when you're on the Roster 'tab'.
Originally Posted by dennisuello
How do I rename the tab? I don't want it to say Roster.
Edit the template
showroster_navbar, change
<a class="navtab" href="showroster.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">Roster</a> to whatever you want.
I had a play around with the templates on my test site, mainly moving all the styling to a separate css sheet so that the table would take on the style of whatever the user was viewing in, but also the odd tweak. Below are two examples;
Single Table:
I also thought of some ideas/requests for future versions;
- as mentioned previously, default order is that which user group IDs are entered in the settings
- multiple rosters
- allow HTML in group titles (where my first screen shot has all the <span> stuff)
- make each group listing collapsible
- find a way to get multiple-selection user profile fields to work in the roster
- add page pagination for long rosters
- add an age column (assuming user has set age to be public)
- add a PM/Email/MSN/Skype column (following default permissions)
- phrase the few remaining unphrased words (eg. Roster)
Anyway, if you're interested in the template/css changes I made let me know and I'll give you what I've done.
Hope your exam went okay
