Originally Posted by is_it_me
 Now that's what I call service, shame you're not running IB/Jelsoft at the moment. 
I did a search for ?Car Boot Sale? for 2009, on the basis the season hasn?t started properly yet this year, and it returns 50+, but recurring ones are only listed for the date range and not the day of the week. So, for example, it would be easier to view a calendar and see what particular ones were on for this Sunday.
Attached is an updated version (now included in mod!) that handles recurring events by listing them (and their event dates) if they are occur within the selected year range. I haven't properly tested monthly recurring events as I can't work out how you set them in the calendar (the user interface is seriously deficient in that area

Just noticed a search for ?car boot sales? doesn?t return results for ?car boot sale?, which is actually how most of them are listed as they are singular events, but I can see people searching by the plural.
Works OK here. The search works on event titles and content, not the calendar title (you can select the calender from the drop-down)