Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR
If you mean like Facebook, Myspace this mod was originally intended for Guilds and Clans if I am not mistaken. You can make it show for specific user fields... Just have it use the registered user and for Filtering User the user field for Facebook or Myspace but you can only pic one with 4.03 might be a good suggestions to allow to have it filter to more then one and have it show in certain order.. Then for it to show for all users set it to Usergroups displayed which by default is Group #2...
Anyways for suggestions for this mod:
I was going to suggest it would be neat to set it by leaders of certain groups with a title if possible then have a list under those groups/subgroups then have it tear down into other subgroups which would be ideal for huge Guilds as well for runs if you set it to an event system!
Maybe even have it re-size the user images and avatars to show it in a tear system and then you could have user info in a small quick mini profile box show somewhere...
There is a Tournaments & Ladders mod here for just such a system but the roster could be ideal if it could produce a separate list for events maybe hooked into the calender...
But I see it like this for a Group that has separate group leaders and you want to have those leaders run separate groups of people underneath them for that day, week, month or year...
Leader Boards might be a better name then Roster Mod with all of this!
1st Division | 2nd Division | 3rd Division
Division Leader | Devision Leader | Devision Leader
1 Senior Officer | 1 Senior Officer | 1 Senior Officer
10 Members | 3 Members | 3 Members
3 Recruits | 2 Recruits | 1 Recruit
Now the members could be set to show just the list in a row of boxes if the system was too full rather then just showing all members at first glance. Then when you view the group it expands shows the actual user accounts with pictures and other info...
The only reason I asked is I have altered my languages for social groups to list as squads, group owners=squad leaders etc. as this is how I keep my large clan more organized.
Having the roster display and sort by the social group would just create an easier way for members to view them. The only thing I see was the ability to sort by a userprofile field but with the way my set up is this would create more work changing the value of the field everytime a member joins or transfers to a squad manually. My user groups are set up for the squad leaders to accept or remove members from their squads at will, with minimal effort. My member ranking system is directaly tied to the user groups and the squad leaders have the ability to alter the user groups under them for changing ranks.
Please forgive me I am new to all this and a little unfamiliar with some of the more complex coding found on vb.org. But I have been learning fairly quickly.