THAT worked like an ABSOLUTE champ!!!
I'm SOOO close to being done with this... (locally)...
so i don't know how long it would take, or If it's even 'acceptable' to package a hack instructions for this... but i'm looking in to it...
It works PERFECT.... THANK you SO very much... i've been fighting this for two days now!!!
Now my users can enable or disable it in there user cp... and i'm going to add a quick shortcut under the chat window that will instantly (one-click) disable it, and then enable it by default for everyone, and let them turn it off (via the new shortcut) or via the User Options menu...
I'm also working in a VERY simple Admin CP section, where you can globally turn it on / off.. (not adjusting the user's setting) just not running the code period if the admin flag says NO.
And then, a more complex setup, where you can add/remove public & private chat channels, and also restrict by usergroup for axs to the private channels....
(i.e. if you want board users in the default channel, but want a seperate channel for different usergroups/staff etc.)
And then... a final check of all the advanced chat commands like /join /invite /etcetc, so that they can be set by vb usergroup as well... (i.e. Users can't /invite, but mods can etc)
I can't tell you guys how much I love this so far, it's REALLY quite amazing, and secure, and integrated,... every part... shared users, new templates, new .php's, edited .php's, new tables in the db, but everything 100% is configurable/contrallable, and it works / looks SO good

either as a seperate IE window, or built in your headers or footers, or just the main forum summary page, you decide....
it'll basically be, put $phpchatsys where ever you want the frame to apear, and set your channels in the CP....
Because of the massive complexity of the install, i'll be looking for someone to help build a install_php for it, so that we/I can get this to the masses (if / and when it's ready)...