Originally Posted by HCGB
I've made some changes (v1.06b+) which address some of these issues. The start year defaults to the current year (the drop-down allows earlier years to be selected). The search options have been rearranged to make better use of page space. The calendar selection remains as there is no easy way to handle multiple calendars otherwise

Now that's what I call service, shame you're not running IB/Jelsoft at the moment.
The search options order seems so much more logical and layout cleaner, great improvement.
You may find it easier (now a decent calendar search is available ) to use calendar custom fields to categorise your event entries in a single calendar rather than having multiple calendars? That would get rid of the calendar selection drop-down!
I?ll have a think about that, my first thoughts is it maybe not a great idea for my sort of site ? it would work if you knew what you were looking for, i.e. a search for ?Fred?s Flying Circus? brings up one result, and that?s happening 7-days a week for the period it?s listed for.
I did a search for ?Car Boot Sale? for 2009, on the basis the season hasn?t started properly yet this year, and it returns 50+, but recurring ones are only listed for the date range and not the day of the week. So, for example, it would be easier to view a calendar and see what particular ones were on for this Sunday.
Another example would be cinema listings; again if you just wanted to see what?s on this week, rather than a specific film, a search would list everything for the whole year, as you can?t search just for a weekend/week or month.
Just noticed a search for ?car boot sale
s? doesn?t return results for ?car boot sale?, which is actually how most of them are listed as they are singular events, but I can see people searching by the plural.
Although, I guess, that?s where custom fields could work, not that I would have a clue how to put them in place, until I got hold of vb4.02 about four weeks ago my only ?web-build? experience was running a standard vb3 installation for a year, with no hacks nor mods installed even!
I am a right numpty, but learning fast, for some reason I thought upgrading and adding a few bells and whistles was going to be easy.