Hey there,
i don't own vB4CMS but i need something like a news-portal, so i want to write it myself. currently i'm using the external.php?type=js with some code added by me to get the prefixid, which i use to make supply the newsitems with a category.
unfortunately i can't access the message of the post formatted with bbcode and newlines etc (i used addslashes_js($thread['message'])).
and also i'm using the js-external type to parse it easier, but as soon as someone isn't using javascript, he can't see the news anymore which is not something i really want.
so i need something to:
- read all information of a thread (id, user, text, prefixid...) of a specific forum
- parse the text like it was in a thread (newlines, bbcodes etc)
and without javascript. the rss2-type of the external.php does some parts of what i want, but unfortunately i then need a rss-parser (afaik php5 does only have a xml-parser included).
anyone has some tips?
regards, sven