Originally Posted by Videx
Every country on the planet recognizes that people die and when they do we give away their stuff to others. But not here! If you publish a single line of code, say "Hello World!" on vb.org, you then own it for eternity. Absurd, but apparently just never actually thought through by anyone except really paranoid coders (that were still alive).
Well, that's one of the sillier responses lately.
Just because a person has not logged into vB.org for some period of time does not mean that they relinquish their rights to anything that they may have created. For all you know they may have moved support to a different site. Or they are temporarily offline. Heck, who knows, maybe are a member of the military and just got shipped out (there are a good number of military folks in the vB community).
If the vB.org admin's suddenly decide to open up the flood gates by allowing anybody to claim code from other people simply because the original coder has not logged in for some pulled-out-of-the-air amount of time, I would be willing to bet there would be an even further exodus of coders releasing add-ons here.
Now, with that said, here's a question for for vB.org staff guys/gals....
I thought I read somewhere over the years that people who want to share their revisions to an older release can do so by just posting the attachment in the original release thread (as opposed to creating a new thread & essentially assuming ownership of the code)? That way situations like this are avoidable.