Originally Posted by daveaite
Basically your saying, if someone chooses the colors green and places them in stylevars, it cannot be used by anyone ever again until the person says yes. The fact is, whether they release it or not, they don't have copyrights over the basic colors green when it comes to vBulletin styling. That's ridiculous
Also this thread is for support only. Please read the previous pages in this thread for more information before posting.
Why you trying to deny it?? You have cloned vbseo site yes or no? Previously said vbseo clone afaik, and the js version looks excatly like vbseo... I'll tell you what I'll just report this post as I think it breaks some type of rule. And if it gets removed it gets removed if not well done for getting off other peoples hard work...
I won't commnt know more as not ply me is saying your a fake.
oh an I'll also bring it to the attention of the other forums and get them to comment in this post if they allow you to clone there websites style.
p.s vb.org works good on the iPhone ^.^