If your on buissness, then I assume you work in a proffessional company doing something semi corporate. If you are then you would know that if you called in a trouble ticket for something and couldn't provide the needed info - be it circuit id, order id, whatever - then your SOL.
Why should this be different?
I understand why you might be fustrated but be honest, Your email issues - your being out of state - and your not having your user information stored elsewhere is not the fault of anyone here.
I should also mention that if you already registered and placed your member info as requested, then you could simply log on from any pc with just the forum id and password that you had chosen.
Its unfortunate that this forum only recently went into effect & its equally unfortunate that you did not place your member info as of yet - but again lets be honest for moment. As bad is it sucks, and as bad as this situation seems - its not the fault of anyone here.
All you can chalk this upto is bad luck. If you need someone to blame, well your SOL. If you just want to rant about this then by all means go ahead and do so but make that clear.