Thanks, but this is no where near a master piece. That would be the EasyForms code. I can't believe all the stuff banana was able to do in that thing. I'm lower than a beginner compared to him.
Well, I'm either crazy or somehow the code is randomly causing the sorting issue. I don't see how it could occur randomly, so I must be losing it. I looked over the code, couldn't find the problem, went back and tested it again and nothing was wrong. I walked away, came back, tested again, and thought I saw the problem again. I threw my hands up, retested, and nothing. I have now tested it over and over and I don't think the problem is there. I'm going to release the new version now.
If you are a new user of this mod installing it for the first time, it is very basic. Upload the showroster.php file and install the product_showroster.xml file.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, I recommend you play it safe and just delete all the old files and do a fresh install. If you don't delete the bitfield_showroster.xml file, you will have problems.
If you are upgrading from the beta 4.0.3 version, you should be safe just copying over the new showroster.php file and installing (overwriting) the beta. Although, you will need to revert your template changes if you want all the new code to take affect. I had to really do a number on the code this time. I really don't see how I will ever remember what it all does.
Please let me know if you find any problems. I'll consider suggestions but my week off from school is almost over and I need to get back to homework and studying.