Originally Posted by digibyte
This mod is really interesting. I have some suggestions for further improvement and new features:
I don't really like the drop-down menu with the subitems "Calendar search" and "Calender". Can you make this drop-down menu optional with a setting? I think it would be more logical to add the search fields to the "calendar" page/template. You can there also make some export buttons (iCal/Gmail/PDF/...). Now you have to search for "nothing" to be able to export the whole calendar.
Thanks for this mod!
Thanks for the suggestions. The calendar selection drop-down only appears if you have more than one calendar.
The default (when you click calendar search on the navbar menu) is to list all calendar content - you can then immediately click the download buttons to get everything. You can, of course, select a calendar then search and download to get just one calendar content (or one event type, etc).
I would agree that this mod should be part of the vB search system (both in the advanced search page and in the calendar itself). However, the calendar templates are buggy at the moment so I won't be spending time working with them until they are fixed