I dont think there are any mods on vB.org that can do what GARS did except GARS lite which is a vB 3.5 addon. You might get it to work for 3.8 but it surely wont work on 4.x
GARS full version itself is a paid software.
Here is the Gars lite link
Also if one is to go by the Geeks commets on vb.com then I dont think he will be porting this to vB 4.
Originally Posted by the geek
lol. I see what you did there.
You want me to give suggestions regarding the design of the CMS/new framework? To accomplish what? Point out exactly where it is clear and evident that IB would do ANYTHING apart from waste my time (in other words: totally ignore me). Sadly, that is about the only thing IB has been consistent at: Ignoring the customers. If they were to make an announcement that they were going to re-write the framework and were totally open (and transparent) about the process and seek real input from the community - I would seriously consider doing what little I could to help. However we both know monkeys would fly out my ass before that happens
Anyhoo, where would I find the time? I'm too busy prepping up for IPB 3.1 release