Version History
v4.0.0: 23 March 2010
- First Beta Release
v4.0.6: 29 March 2010
- added avatars to team members
- fixed username popup suggestion boxes
- fixed order on tournament
- fixed left sidebar show/hide tournament types
- fixed tournament stats for profile/postbit
- fixed rules page excess code and made it full width
- added back link for error messages of no title and no description
- 'Edited by' on rules/ announcements now follow Usergroup Permissions -> General Permissions -> Show Edited by note
- other minor glitches and styling issues
v4.0.8: 23 April 2010
- Double Elimination Tournaments (4 or 8 players)
- Fixed pagination for ladder competitors
- Fixed error preventing LMS tournaments being Finished
v4.1.0: 03 May 2010
- Fixed error on editing tournaments when in progress/finished of 'No type'
- Fixed commenting on tournaments
v4.1.4: 14 June 2010
- Images for tournaments and ladders
- Altered layouts for tournaments and ladders
- 2 Category Levels
v4.1.7: 4 August 2010
- Moved some more text into phrases
- Added compatibility for those without the php function 'cal_days_in_month'
- Other minor fixes
v4.1.8: 11 August 2010
- Fixed avatar issue with single elimination tournaments
- Added notification for team creator when his/her team is challenge
- Other minor fixes
v4.1.9: 16 August 2010
- New layout combining ladders & tournaments within categories
- New layout for scrolling announcements at top of page
- Added option to link tournament to ladder and winner gets X points to their elo rating
- Added pm on team ladder challenge
- Added extra tab for ladders, showing which tournaments it is linked to
- New link/page showing 'All Challenges'
v4.2.0: 18 August 2010
- Fixed navbar/re-direct when 'Admin Submitting Score' via Upcoming Matches
- Ajax show more recent matches & upcoming matches
- Improved help, adding some videos where helpful
- Fixed ladder adding player error messages and allowed adding of players who had previously left the ladder
v4.2.1: 29 August 2010
- Added start/end date for ladders
- Added seasons for ladders
- Other minor changes
v4.2.2: 30 August 2010
- Round names at top of each round/column
- Admin can now add multiple players to tournaments (seperate each username by a semi colon ';'))
- Additional fields for Ladder challenges, definable by each ladder
v4.2.4: 8 October 2010
- New challenges will have date/time field, which links into timezones
- Team profile pages will have a new tab for upcoming challenges.
- A new limit on challenging same player in same ladder is being introduced. Setting controlled in admincp options.
- You can also change how ladders are ranked in admincp options.
- For tournaments losing player can now report their lose, progressing their opponent to next round. (Single elimination tournaments only)
- Other minor changes/fixes.
v4.2.7: 31 January 2011
- New top navigation
- New global match finder (look for a match across multiple ladders on one page)
- Option for rules to be displayed under new tab for both tournaments and ladders
- Match comments for Ladder Challenges, All Challenges, Reported Matches, Recent Matches, Your Challenges and Upcoming Matches
v4.2.8: 5 February 2011
- New elo rating calculation
- Fixed show more matches and more matches showing comments
- Added tournaments+ladders joined to team profile
- Added link to hide unranked players
v4.3.0: 17 February 2011
- Teams Match Finder
- Round Robin Tournament Type added - max 14 players/teams
- Other minor edits and fixes
v4.3.1: 2 March 2011
- New Front Page with 'modules'
- New Ladders List view
- Player images (a dynamic image creator - to create an image with ladder information on it (rank & xp). For example for users to put in their signature.)
- Categories counts include sub-cats
- Other minor changes
v4.3.4: 3 April 2011
- League beta
v4.3.5: 5 April 2011
- League
- Double Round Robin
- Added vBulletin Options
- New League is separate page from New Ladder
- Easier new season creation
- New vBulletin Options
- Category banners (supports bb code not html)
- My teams page
- and other minor fixes, additions
v4.3.6: 5 April 2011
- Bug fix
v4.3.7: 10 April 2011
- Improved performance of several pages
- Tournament swap slots
- Ladder Admin Delete Match
- Tournament fixed non-regulation sized single elimination and double elimination tournaments
- New 'Categories' page layout
- other minor fixes
v4.3.9: 25 April 2011
- Ladders and Leagues separated
- Swap Player(s) & Reorganise Brackets improved
- Tournaments/ Ladders button redone - prevents overlap, etc.
- Tournament Restart (allows you to add/remove players/teams, etc.)
- Page optimisation - reduces server usage
v4.4.0: 28 April 2011
- Security release
- Fixes match comment limit bug
v4.4.1: 7 May 2011
- Hooks
- Teams can leave/rejoin ladders
- Can suggest/re-arrange match date
v4.4.2: 9 May 2011
- Bug fix for category counters
v4.4.3: 16 May 2011
- Added user html option for tournaments
v4.5.0: 4 October 2011
- Bug fixes
- League & round robin to 18 players/teams
- Front Page Carousel (Rotating Banners)
- Other minor changes
- Bug fixes
- Phrasing