The objective of this is to show people how to adopt a Modal , jquery powered nag screen.
With upto 600 guests on our site on most days, we are always looking to further our membership.
Had you read the first line of the mod:
This does what it says on the tin, it isnt for everyone. So dont go whining and whinging. But if you feel a need for this, then enjoy.
Plus you havent downloaded it ?? Bizarre mate, perhaps you could have looked at the code, which we have provided everything.. and customised it to suit a particular need.
This mod, can be triggered onclick or onload
Meaning you could add a html navbar link, which is usergroup conditional or not.
You could then optimise the code, to display anything AJAXified, including Login forms, feedback forms, comment systems... tutorial videos..
We dont use this code on our site, but the concept is to give people the tools and inspiration to "have a go" and see that this is a modification which you could use for many other purposes.
In its Onclick State, a user doesnt get nagged ( I have posted that code above )
So a guest would not see this, until they clicked a button.
The code within ajax.html can easily be swapped out for any other code, specifically see the examples I posted within the link on post 7
I am sure you could find a use for this, just need to think outside the box.