Originally posted by orca
Well, I guess iot's just a kiddy. In real life, he is probably afraid to talk like this. May he feels bigger now.
Anyway, I doubt he has a license...else he could go to Jelsoft and they'd send the details again...
look, dumbass, if I didn't have a friggin license why would I post a link to my site?
vbulletin is by FAR the BEST bulletin board out there. I HATE the fact that people pirate the software and then it causes me to have to enter and re-enter this stuff. I told you my outlook took a virus and I can't get any mail. I contacted jelsoft and they haven't responded. (then again, maybe they have and they responded to
my3sonburns@msn.com and I can't get my mail) Im on business in Phoenix, AZ or I would probably just go ahead and re-load Outlook express email.
I didn't ask for help either. I was commenting on how stupid it is to have to keep doing this over and over again.