I don't know too much about the code of vBulletin, so I was wondering if I could have some quick pointers from people in this forum in order to do my modification.
What I want to do is quite simple: I want to be able to use the external data provider (such as RSS) even if some forums are visible only for members. If there is already something that does that, please send me the link, but other that that, here what I'm trying to achieve.
http://myforum.com/external.php?hash=<user hash id>
where the "user hash id" is used to identify the user.
So my questions are:
* Is there a way to open a session temporarily in the external.php so that the queries can use that information?
* Is there a utility already in there in order to initialize the current data (open a session) in external.php using the vb_session.sessionhash field in the DB?
thanks in advance.