*Update 1.1
I found a small mistake with the myspace code. I had left off the address when I was debugging. This has now been fixed. Just overwrite the old product file with the 1.1 product file.
*Update 1.2
I added Paul M.'s mod removal code and I also added version numbers to the file as well.
*Update 1.3
For users that have forums in a forum directory, the image code in the product file was causing the images not to show up because, it wasn't looking in the right directory due to a "/" on the front of the image code. This has now been tested and corrected.
*Update 1.4
Added YouTube Groups. You can now add the "Follow Us" box anywhere by using <!-- {FOLLOWUS} --> in any template. You can now control the size of the images and the content box. Enjoy!
*Update 1.5
Updated product code to work with vB 4.0.7 - ( Work is in progress on creating options to enable and disable different parts of the mod. )