Originally Posted by Goomzee
Yes i have upload all 7 files from DJ's Local Hosted (Delta) folder and when i upload files from this folders DJ's AMEs (Delta) it says duplicate files now what i do kindly tell me
You should only have 2 files for GameSpot. Part 1 and Part 2. You have to delete your old definitions to import duplicates.
Originally Posted by killerkraft
Ok, i will explain.
My site name is digitalzapping.net, so instead of YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE i have now digitalzapping.
I have a subdir in the server named /zp/ss with lots of mp3 files.
One of them is bonita.mp3, but when i make a post with www.digitalzapping.net/zp/ss/bonita.mp3 the embebed image appears but if you click the play button, nothing happens.
Let me see the Regular Expression from the definition.
Originally Posted by chick
Jedi - for some reason over the last week or so DailyMotion video no longer works, it appears blank, can you help? Possibly I missed the fix in this thread?
Here is the regular expression
and regexp
Thank you
You don't appear to have the most recent Dailymotion definition.