:up:Hey Guys,
I just stumbled upon this thread by pure luck and can see some of you are having trouble getting tweetboard invites. For those of you who don't know me I am the lead support agent for @140ware (Makers of Tweetboard).
If any of you are still having problem please feel free to open a ticket for my attention at
http://support.tweetboard.com/ normal invite process can take 1-14days to be accepted but as x626xblack said on the 25 Feb there are also some invite codes that you can get from Techcrunch and vBSEO (If your a customer) who also have an easy intergration option in their control pannel. Using an invite code means you get approved instantly without the need for a wait, I guess you can say that will speed things up for you.
If you also run a blog or CMS (other than the suite) we have a number of knowlege base articles at
http://support.tweetboard.com/forums...e-base/entries will information on how to install on systems like Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla for example.
Hope this helps.
- Tweetboard Support