Originally Posted by Goomzee
sorry for delay replay but when i place any url like link in my forum video not show
Are you sure you have the most recent definitions, both Parts 1 and 2? This link embeds fine for me:
Originally Posted by Stryker412
Amazon thumbnail links no longer working.
Which links, specifically?
Originally Posted by killerkraft
Hello Digital Jedi,
Help me with one thing.
I've installed in AME the definition for mp3 files.
I've tried almost everything i remembered to put them to work, but it seems to be effortless.
Is this the correct way ?
or this one ?
 Before you ask me, i did change the site name in the definitions by mysite
I'm not sure I completely understand what your asking with these two examples. The URL to the MP3 file is the URL to the MP3 file. So wherever you've put it, is what the URL is going to be. As long as it's a valid URL, meaning there's actually an MP3 there, then it will embed just fine.
On the other hand, if this is what's in your RegEx, then that's wrong. The ONLY thing you should have changed in the RegEx was
YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE with no domain extension.