Originally Posted by War.Frog
Yes sorry I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't working - it's a great mod and working as designed. I just wanted the option of changing the numerator from registration date to installation date.
By using installation date and registration date, it's looking at two very different variables for calculating average time spent online. If user XYZ has been registered for two years it will take weeks before his average time online begins to look remotely correct or informational.
For me, I'd rather the formula calculate the average time online starting at install time (not registration date)...or both if that's preferable or easier. That way users won't be writing me saying, "c'mon that's ridiculous...I spend way more than 8 seconds a day on here!". 
No its supposed to use which ever of the 2 checks is newer so for people who registered before it installed it should be using the installed timestamp (why we had to clear the stats because of a bug this creates with time existing before install) and if they registered after then it should use their registration date. It was done like this to try and be as accurate as possible in the calculations.