Originally Posted by tereg
I have just updated to 1.23 RC2, and I am experiencing the following behavior in the postbit section under the user's avatar.
I have checked the postbit, postbit_legacy and im_jabber templates, but they appear normal and I see no indication as to why the IM icon is duplicating. I have not experienced any problems until just now. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Originally Posted by tereg
When I revert the postbit and postbit_legacy templates, both icons disappear
Originally Posted by T34
I've install it in vB 3.8.4, but there is no jabber icons in the message body, near the Skype icon. I've try to change the templates MEMBERINFO and "whosonlinebite" following the file "EN-templateedits-enhanced_jabber.txt" in archive included, but it doesn't help.
I had this too after upgrade from 1.23 RC2. After import new version of product there were 2 icons, so I deleted template edits from older version which are not needed anymore and both icons dissapeared. I looked in plugin which is taking care about inserting (well, by replacing in this case) code to postbit and postbit_legacy and found typo. Fix is easy:
Open plugin "
Parse Templates for Jabber" and change 2x this (first is for postbit and second is for postbit_legacy):
(' $post[icqicon]', '$post[jabbericon] $post[icqicon]', $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit_legacy']);
...to this (remove first space before $post[icqicon]):
('$post[icqicon]', '$post[jabbericon] $post[icqicon]', $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit_legacy']);
Icon will appear
And one more thing. When I was in usercp (page "Edit Your Details"), there was unchached template "im_jabber_field_modifyprofile". Fix is easy too:
Open plugin "
Jabber Integration Template Cache" and change this:
$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('im_jabber','im_send_jabber', 'im_send_jabber_complete','im_send_jabber_complete_2','memberinfo_block_jabber'));
...to this:
$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('im_jabber','im_send_jabber', 'im_send_jabber_complete','im_send_jabber_complete_2','memberinfo_block_jabber','im_jabber_field_modifyprofile'));
Good luck :up: