Originally Posted by literatestylish
I think the statistics might be a bit messed up. I just doubt that one member has over 400 purchases.
Are you sure the statistic your referring to is not the total purchases of all members? When people visit the Point Market there are two statistics, one for an individual purchases and the other for total transactions. The total transactions is referring to all members.
Originally Posted by pjdaley
I checked into the admin issues, it seems as though when you change the usergroup permissions to allow admins to access the point market, that setting doesn't stick. Maybe you are missing something in your mysql query that sets that option to 1. An invalid query would be my first guess as to why this issue is happening.
Your the second member two complain about that not working so I think maybe I have a bug somewhere in my code for fresh installs. I'm going to look into it as well as all other bug reports and try to come out with another bug fix dubbed 2.0.2, which will be just another bug fix. Expect it out by the weekend.