Hi. Please can I ask a question? I have VB version
I've followed the instructions enclosed in the Zip file, and got to the part in AdminCP where we upload the XML file (product-vbstopforumspam.xml). So I did that bit fine I thought as it's whirring away with little yellow dots on the screen at the top.
Yet,it never stops, it says:
''Importing Product Please Wait''.
(This is in the section, Plugins and Product System in AdminCP)
I waited for 1hr for it to complete, am I doing something wrong please? My internet works fine.
There's a little graphic of an expanding thing and it grows and grows like jack and the bean stalk but never ends.
Cancelled it and went back to try it again now it says: ''Product 'vbStopForumSpam' is already installed and you did not specify that this product may be overwritten/upgraded.''.
How can it be installed when it never finishes installing?!
I'm sorry if I confused anyone, but I was worried I messed it up as it never stopped installing according to the graphic.