Originally Posted by Forum Lover
Mayhem, cant we use vCash from vbookie?
Yes you can, vCash is supported just enter it in the point field.
Originally Posted by argothiusz
Couple of bugs/minor fix needed:
1. I am getting the same admin issue like everyone.
2. Even though I set the point system decimal place to 0 but the price in "guess the number" is still in 5 digits decimal format.
3. Usertitle doesnt seem to work. I am getting < s > Title < / s >
1. Under the "market addon features" navigation. The features shouldn't be turned on by default. Don't make it appear unless user purchased the feature to prevent confusion or forum owner doesn't want to turn on certain feature.
2. Option to delete the font color/face/bold items in case the user doesn't want it anymore.
I will report more bugs I found any. As always, great stuff!!
Which Point Market Admin Pages is it doing this on? Are you updating the admin permissions and it is not sticking to enabled or is it saying enabled but still not working?