Originally Posted by MikQuattro
I'm just curious....at what point does the staff of vB.org step in and do something about the lack of support for a mod? It's not like this mod has a quirk or two, this thread is riddled with people who are getting database errors left and right, this mod has serious issues. At the very least, someone needs to come in and uncheck the "Supported" field, because this mod is definitely NOT being supported, and that is one of the main things I look for before I install a mod. The author hasn't been on in what....2 months? I realize that some of you are going just tell me to quit whining and uninstall it if I don't like it, but it's not about that. People are still installing this mod thinking it's going to be supported and it's not. The biggest shame is it's a nice little mod that my members really appreciated.....
It was most likely designed in his free time and will be supported in the same manner. And like you said, if you have such a huge problem with the mod, uninstall it.