Originally Posted by nyunyu
Nice mod. One suggestion about opting out, is it possible to add an option on registration page for opting in or opting out the mail?
Regarding your suggestion, I am investigating this however the only current work around that I know of for this is to have them turn off where they receive emails from the site administrator.
I may be wrong but in all actuality though, if you think about it, an opt-out feature would defeat the purpose of having this mod installed. Most members would want to opt-out, then no reminders would be sent. The idea is to get members to come back to your site on a regular basis.

Once they come back then the reminders would be turned off until they hit the inactivity threshhold you specify in this mod. Say you specify 31 days, on the 32 day, anyone who hasn't visited or posted on your site would receive a reminder.
If they start wanting to "opt-out" then the threshold is most-likely set too low or they have not interest.