Originally Posted by pjdaley
With the newest update i have gotten:
Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page.
If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page using the Administrator Permissions section of the control panel.
while trying to edit in the adminCP. I have changed the Admin Permissions and it doesent stick to "Can Point Market"
I was able to fix this issue manually by editing the mysql database table adminstrator and changing the value of market_custom_admin_perms to 1
Odd...very-very odd. Has anyone else experienced this issue or is it because your bitfields weren't being correctly updated?
Originally Posted by Matt Lathrop
Is it possible to add the ability to delete a gift from everyone who has gotten it rather than one at a time.
Unfortunately, no it isn't. Currently you can only go through and delete one gift at a time.