Originally Posted by Oasismad
When will the english championship be available please? 
planning for the next few hours / days / weeks
Originally Posted by KURTZ
maybe Italian Serie B? 
planning for the next few hours / days / weeks
Originally Posted by NickyNet
ich f?rchte, ich muss dich leider vorerst entt?uschen. du siehst ja, wie hier alle durcheinander gackern

das ist mir momentan zuviel. unser fokus liegt zurzeit auf der abdeckung der grossen europ?ischen ligen. ich will aber nichts ausschliessen.
Originally Posted by Destron
Thank you, but I couldn't find anywhere in there to change the fonts or background, I might have missed it, but I looked for a while and couldn't see it. Is there anywhere in the stylevars to change it also?
The css code is still in beta stage. I am working on it.