Originally Posted by djbaxter
You can use a MySQL database query:
UPDATE {prefix-if-used}user SET receivebulletin = '0';
You can use phpMyAdmin to modify table user.receivebulletin to set default to 0. That way any new members will also have it set to default.
Or, if you haven't yet installed it,
1. edit product-Commbull.xml
2. at around line 22, find
if (!isset($user_cols['receivebulletin'])) $db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD receivebulletin SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' not null");
3. change the '1' to '0'
if (!isset($user_cols['receivebulletin'])) $db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD receivebulletin SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' not null");
4. at around line 27, find
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET receivebulletin=1");
5. change to
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET receivebulletin=0");
Originally Posted by grandeur_69
thanks DJ for responding  ... I have absolutely nothing that I can add to that. I had already changed the mod for future updates to change the default settings to 0 to comply with SPAM policies.
Thank You Very Much For Your Reply and Guide. :up:
I Have One Final Question that Comes From My First Question:
-1A How Can I Exclude Certain Usergroups From Receiving the Newsletter?
- What is the Option I Should Set and Where is it Located (or the Process / Plugin Edits / File Edits I Should Modify) to Exclude Specific Usergroups From Getting the Newsletter?
I Tried to Find it but I Didn't Saw it.
I Appreciate Your Support, the Mod is Very Interesting and I'll be Testing it on my Test Forum.
My Best Regards.