Originally Posted by inciarco
Interesting Newsletter Mod.
I have 3 questions:
-1. Is there a way/option to Exclude Certain Usergroups from Getting the Newsletter?
(this is very important because even if the users are subscribed to threads, for some usergroups would be nice for them Not to receive Newsletters). 
Originally Posted by inciarco
-2. How can I Massive Disable the Option "Receive Community Bulletin Newsletters"? 
(I can see that is Enabled by Default but I need to disable it for Existing Users once this Mod Installed)
You can use a MySQL database query:
UPDATE {prefix-if-used}user SET receivebulletin = '0';
Originally Posted by inciarco
-3. How can I choose for the "Receive Community Bulletin Newsletters" to be Disabled by Default? 
(I think is better to let the Users Choose if the want to be Included on the Newsletter and not to Force them to Receive the First One to Choose to be Excluded)
You can use phpMyAdmin to modify table user.receivebulletin to set default to 0. That way any new members will also have it set to default.
Or, if you haven't yet installed it,
1. edit product-Commbull.xml
2. at around line 22, find
if (!isset($user_cols['receivebulletin'])) $db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD receivebulletin SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' not null");
3. change the '1' to '0'
if (!isset($user_cols['receivebulletin'])) $db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD receivebulletin SMALLINT (5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' not null");
4. at around line 27, find
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET receivebulletin=1");
5. change to
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET receivebulletin=0");