Originally Posted by doubleclick
Hello Phalynx -
Welcome back.
I want to weigh in on the working on this for pay issue. You said:
Then the next day you say:
This means if anyone wants support, receive fixes to known issues, and get new features, they will have to upgrade their entire vBulletin install, therefore having to PAY for the mod you say has to be free. The only difference is, vBulletin gets paid instead of you.
I think there are enough people here willing to pay you to continue give this project the time it deserves, and to upgrade it in a way that it can work for both 3.8 and 4.+ I'm not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have some 4.0 mods working on my 3.8 install.
I'm not suggesting that you force people to pay, just let those who want to pay you, and people who can't afford it can still access it for free.
Just some food for thought from a big fan of your project. Whatever you decide, thanks for what you've done in the past, and whatever you can do in the future.
Yes, this mod stays free. There is is no support for older versions. This counts for vBulletin 3.5 and for 3.6 - and this also counts now for 3.8. As I cannot provide updates for all versions the users may have, you will have to live with that.
Also, FREE means that nobody has to pay money to me to use it. It does not count if you hire another coder to install oder customize it or if you upgrade your server because this modifications eats up cpu....
Originally Posted by misterfade
I tried this addon and didn't like it, plus the lack of support, so I decided to remove it. The kill_xperience.php works but after doing that, it completely screwed up my board. This addon is garbage! Just removing all the hack's files doesn't completely remove it, I had to also re-upload all my original Vbulletin files in order for errors to go away. I was getting nothing but blank screens when trying to post or reply.
Garbage. Stay away from this hack.
Oh yes, just another stupid basher that has not read the instructions and did unnecessary actions like re-upload vBulletin. Thanks for your show. This modification has been installed 2500 times, it seems to me not to be garbage.