Originally Posted by Speysider
Can we use this mod for vB3.x and if not, will a version for vB3.x be released?
Try to remove the following code from the xml file and give it a go. Hopefully it will work on a 3.8 version as well. But test it first at your test forum.
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0" maxversion="5.0.0" />
Originally Posted by princeedward
nice...how about creating same like this for in-active members let say starting 1 month or there is a settings of how many months start that the users is counted as in active...then their avatar will auto change with our prefered in active avatar....else if they comeback it will show again their original own avatar....hope this is possible...
i was thinking this quite long time already...
thanks and best regards
That is an interesting idea, however it exceeds my mods funcionality. This is best to be created as a mod on its own. Try to request it at the Request section and hopefully someone will create it for you.